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vietfontREAD ME
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131 lines
----- Begin READ ME file ---------------------------------------------
This package contains a PostScript Type 1 font -- Vietfont(tm) -- for
Vietnamese, together with other software that allows the use of
Vietnamese text with any application on a Macintosh.
This is freeware, and the first such free Vietnamese font for the
Macintosh and/or PostScript. Free redistribution is encouraged. Comments
are welcome.
The following instructions pertain to a Macintosh running System 7;
installation for pre-System 7 Mac's is more intricate.
Besides this READ ME file, this package contains these files, to be used
as follows:
1/ Vietfont.bmap -- the VietFont bitmap file: open this file and copy
the content into the System *file*. This is required by the Macintosh
font manager as well as the Adobe Type Manager (ATM), if you also use
the latter.
2/ Vietf -- the downloadable Vietfont font file: copy this file into the
System *folder*. During printing, this file is downloaded into a
PostScript printer; if you do not have a PostScript printer, you will
need ATM, which will use this file to prepare an output file for the
3/ uVNs(tm) -- the Vietnamese-specific keyboard resource (KCHR): copy
this file directly into the System *file*. This KCHR is a convenient
interface for Vietnamese text entry. The name "uVNs" combines "US" and
"VN" because the key sequences to enter Vietnamese is grafted on top of
the "US" keyboard, which the default KCHR in the United States. To use
this KCHR, you'll need Keyboard Switcher (version 1.9.3) -- a control
panel device (cdev) that permits keyboard switching; you should get a
copy by sending the one-line message:
to LISTSERV@ricevm1.rice.edu.
Typing Vietnamese with the "uVNs" keyboard
The "uVNs" KCHR modifies all the <option> key combinations on the
Apple (US) Keyboard for the entry of Vietnamese-specific characters;
some of these become "dead keys" in order to input tone marks, much like
the familiar Olympia typewriter keyboard.
NOTE: You *must* select Vietfont (or any other font using the same
encoding) as your font for the text to appear correctly.
The Vietnamese-specific characters are listed below, with the
corresponding <option> key combinations:
Vietnamese character Key combination
----------------------- ------------------
a breve <option><A>
A breve <option><shift><A>
a circumflex <option><S>
A circumflex <option><shift><S>
d bar <option><D>
D bar <option><shift><D>
e circumflex <option><E>
E circumflex <option><shift><E>
o circumflex <option><I>
O circumflex <option><shift><I>
o horn <option><O>
O horn <option><shift><O>
u horn <option><u>
U horn <option><shift><U>
----------------------- ------------------
where <option><shift><A> means to hold down the <option> and
<shift> keys and typing the <A> key.
To type Vietnamese characters with tone marks: type the "dead key"
first, then the base character. Below are the tone marks and the
corresponding "dead keys":
Vietnamese tone mark Key combination
----------------------- ------------------
grave <option><-> , or
acute <option><=> , or
dotless question <option><[> , or
tilde <option><]> , or
dot below <option><'> , or
----------------------- ------------------
For example, to enter an A circumflex tilde , type the following:
<option><]> <option><shift><S>
using corresponding character and key combinations shown in the two
above tables.
Technical notes
1) Vietfont is derived from Fontographer's DemoFont.
2) The character encoding is adapted from the Do et al's proposal
presented at the Unicode Workshop and amended as version 1.1.
Disclaimer, copyright notices
Since this is free software, there is no express or implied warranty of
any kind.
Vietfont(tm) and uVNs(tm) are trademarks of TransPacific Solutions, Inc.
Other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
Write us
Your comments on any aspect of this freeware are greatly welcomed so
that it can be further refined. Please write to: tpacs@mcimail.com .
Thank you, and enjoy.
----- E n d READ ME file ---------------------------------------------